Aims & Scope
BDJ Open is a peer-reviewed, open-access, online-only journal publishing dental and oral health research from all disciplines. The journal is owned by the British Dental Association (BDA) and is the sister journal of the British Dental Journal.
The journal will publish:
- original primary research articles
- study protocols (including protocol design)
- short- and long-term clinical trials (including small studies).
Featured topics of the journal include, but are not limited to, dental materials science, dental public health, restorative dentistry, management of dental disease, periodontology, endodontology, oral surgery, paediatric dentistry, prosthodontics, orthodontics, special care dentistry, clinically relevant oral biology and translational research. We also accept selected systematic reviews which answer a novel question.
BDJ Open is a peer-reviewed, open-access, online journal publishing dental and oral health primary research from all disciplines. The journal is owned by the British Dental Association, and published in partnership with Springer Nature. We publish technically sound, scientifically valid primary research from across dental and oral health research.
The Journal's Editor-in-Chief is Dr Stephen Hancocks OBE.
The ISSN (online) for BDJ Open is 2056-807X.
Article Processing Charge
If your article is accepted following our peer review process then an article processing charge (APC) will be payable. The APC is determined at the date of acceptance. More information on the current APCs for BDJ Open can be found here.
Citation metrics
The 2021 journal citation metrics for BDJ Open are as follows:
Journal Citation Indicator*: 0.55
Average decision times for 2021:
- 20 days to first decision for all manuscripts (Median)
SNIP: 0.739
SJR: 0.267
184,252 Downloads (in 2021)
235 Altmetric mentions (2021)
*2020 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics, 2021)