主编面对面 | 谈中国心血管创新,《Eur Heart J》杂志主编Filippo Crea教授揭秘心血管研究未来趋势

2025-03-22 中国医学论坛报今日循环 中国医学论坛报今日循环 发表于陕西省

《欧洲心脏杂志》主编谈心血管研究,称预防、核酸治疗、AI 为关键领域,肯定中国心血管研究进展,还对中国年轻学者投稿及相关展播活动提建议。

2025年3月,第二季“中国之声,创新力量——中国原创优秀临床研究展播”活动即将再次起航。本次活动将立足新起点,通过更立体化的传播形式、更国际化的视角,展现中国医务工作者破解临床难题的智慧与担当,助力科研成果转化。为此,我们在研究展播正式开始前,推出“Global Perspectives,  Dialogue with Editors-in-Chief”医学期刊主编面对面环节,以期搭建一架中国学者与权威期刊主编的沟通桥梁。

本期为大家带来《中国医学论坛报》与欧洲心脏杂志》主编Filippo Crea教授的深度访谈。Prof. Crea为我们介绍了心血管医学领域的研究热点,AI相关研究发表应遵循的5项标准,并对青年中国学者如何在国际期刊上发表高质量研究成果方面给出宝贵建议。


Q1 As the Editor-in-Chief of European Heart Journal, you have a unique perspective on transformative trends in cardiovascular science. What key areas of cardiovascular research do you believe will most profoundly reshape the future of cardiology?


《Eur Heart J》主编Prof. Crea

I think that we have many challenges in front of us. One important challenge is prevention. Traditional risk factors, like diabetes, hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia, smoking were identified more than 40 years ago. But these traditional risk factors can explain only 50% of cardiovascular disease risk, the remaining 50% is explained by what we call residual risk. And residual risk is mainly related to inflammation and air pollution. I think that we must better characterize cardiovascular risk, including inflammation and air pollution. Current tools are mainly based on traditional risk factors. We must incorporate these new risk factors. And we also need artificial intelligence (AI) to better identify individual risk in the individual patient. Thus, we must include new risk factors and utilize AI in the best possible way. These are two important challenges to address.


Then another area of development is treatment based on nucleic acids. This is a key development of pharmacotherapy. Nucleic acid-based drugs are the future for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. We can utilize different approaches including antisense oligonucleotides, inhibiting RNA and gene editing. All these approaches keep evolving to prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases. One of the advantages offered by nuclei acid-based treatments is that we can treat patients with one injection every six months, rather with a daily administration. And these treatments are very powerful in reducing, for instance, the levels of LDL-C and Lp(a) . And when we come to gene editing, now we have evidence that we can cure cardiac amyloidosis with a single treatment in life. In conclusion, this new potent forms of treatment  represent the future in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

另一个发展领域是基于核酸的治疗,这是药物疗法的一个重大发展。核酸类药物是预防和治疗心血管疾病的未来方向。我们可以采用不同的方法,包括反义寡核苷酸、RNA抑制和基因编辑。这些方法也都在不断发展以预防和治疗心血管疾病。核酸类治疗的一个优势是可以降低给药频率,例如患者每6个月只需接受一次注射而无需每日给药。这些治疗方法在降低低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)和脂蛋白(a) [Lp(a)]水平等方面非常有效。在基因编辑方面,现有证据表明,1次治疗即可终身治愈心脏淀粉样变性。总之,这些新型强效治疗方法预示着心血管疾病治疗的未来。

Thus, better prevention, new drugs based on nucleic acid, and the third key area of development is artificial intelligence.


Q2 How do you assess the progress of Chinese cardiovascular research in recent years?


《Eur Heart J》主编Prof. Crea

The development of cardiovascular research in China in the past few years has been astonishing. I am proud to say that China is the top submitting country to the European Heart journal. The majority of papers we receive come from China. The improvement of the quantity and quality of Chinese cardiovascular research in the past few years has been really outstanding.


Q3 Have any research studies from Chinese scholars  particularly caught your attention? Could you share an example and explain why it stands out?


《Eur Heart J》主编Prof. Crea

I can provide several examples if I had the time, because China has been extremely productive in several areas. For instance, we published a randomized trial, based on Shensong Yangxin, which is a traditional Chinese medicine. This trial shows that it prevents atrial tachyarrhythmia. Thus, we have trials like this, which are extremely innovative, based on traditional medicines.



Then we published several contributions in translational science. Recently, we published a study which was the first to show the presence of an endogenous cholinergic system in the heart. And we published a very interesting study on the adaptive immunity in hypertension.




We also published elegant epidemiological studies, which are extremely relevant. For instance, we published recently a study showing that low ambient temperature increases the risk of myocardial infarction without stenosis (MINOCA). Epidemiological studies can inspire new approaches to cardiovascular diseases.



Last but not least, we published excellent contributions in the field of AI. We published a paper 5 years ago, very well cited, about prediction of coronary artery disease by AI-assessed facial recognition. This algorithm which assesses facial features predicts the presence of coronary artery disease better than clinical scores. In conclusion, we published many interesting contributions from China in different fields: trials, translational science, epidemiology and also artificial intelligence.



Q4 How can emerging tools like AI accelerate solutions to cardiovascular disease burdens, and what role should journals play in curating such research?


《Eur Heart J》主编Prof. Crea

As we have already discussed, AI is a really important tool which can help in all fields of cardiovascular medicine. For instance,to improve diagnosis, as shown in the Chinese study mentioned before, in which AI-based assessment of the patient face predicted the presence of coronary artery disease. We have studies showing that AI-based reading of a simple electrocardiogram can predict the presence of left ventricular dysfunction or of aortic stenosis. Thus, the role of AI in diagnosis is extremely important.


And also the role of AI in the risk prediction with some elegant study coming from University of Oxford. The prognostic models, AI integrate perivascular adipose tissue(PVAT) information in, can predict cardiovascular risk much better than traditional risk factors. And AI can be extremely useful in predicting the response to treatment. AI is important in all areas of cardiovascular medicine.


Like other journals,our journal is flooded by papers based on artificial intelligence. We need to be cautious because not all studies and based on artificial intelligence are of top quality. A few months ago, we had published in an editorial in which we identify five quality indicators, which must be really fulfilled to have a top paper in artificial intelligence.



Quality criterion 1, complete reporting and reproducibility of results. Complete reporting should include the detailed description of all steps of the modelling process.


Quality criterion 2, clear intended clinical use of the AI-based model. The goal of the study should be clearly indicated and clinically relevant.


Quality criterion 3, rigorous model validation. The algorithm developed in the derivation cohort needs to be validated in an independent validation cohort. 


Quality criterion 4, sufficient sample size for AI model development and validation. A large sample size is needed for both the derivation and validation cohorts.


Quality criterion 5, openness of data and software. The algorithm on which the study is based must be accessible to allow external validation.


In conclusion, AI is extremely important in the future of cardiovascular medicine but published studies must respect these five quality criteria.


Q5 What advice would you give to young Chinese  cardiovascular researchers aspiring to publish in top international journals?


《Eur Heart J》主编Prof. Crea

There are some important advices I would like to give to young Chinese cardiovascular researchers. The first is to preserve a high level of enthusiasm (even after a rejection of a submitted manuscript): enthusiasm is the fuel. When you are a young researcher, and you submit a paper, the probability of rejection is very high. It happened to me when I started. You must persist going through your learning curve. If you believe in what you do, you shouldn't stop after the rejection of your first papers.


When we come to the content of the manuscript, there are two main criteria we consider for acceptance. First, the methodology must be waterproof. But this is not terribly difficult. More difficult is to be innovative, to produce something which is new and impacting on clinical practice. These are the two criteria for a successful submission: strong methodology and innovation.


The mind of a young brilliant researcher is flooded by many questions. The challenge is to identify the questions which are clinically relevant. Not all questions who come to our mind are important. The difficulty is identifying which questions are important, which questions are impactful, and which questions must be addressed in order to change clinical practice.


Regarding manuscript presentation what is important is to make the manuscript as simple as possible, as straightforward as possible. The perfect manuscript must clarify what is the starting point, what is the current knowledge, and then how the new data presented in the manuscript improve our knowledge and impact on clinical practice.  An excellent manuscript must also identify the new questions generated by the new data. Our knowledge is a continuous progression. We publish studies which introduce elements of novelty and influence the practice, but they also generate new questions. Thus, in a good manuscript, the authors must also define what are the new questions generated by the manuscript they propose. If all this is respected, then the probability of acceptance is really good.


Q6 What are your expectations or suggestions for the upcoming "Showcase of Outstanding Original Clinical Research in China (Season 2)"?


《Eur Heart J》主编Prof. Crea

As we discussed before, there are some areas of innovation which are particularly important. I would focus the showcase on one of these rapidly evolving areas. For instance, the showcase might be focused on the application of AI to risk prediction, or the application of AI to diagnosis. Another area might be a focus on nucleic acid-based treatments. There are many new treatments emerging in this direction. I think it is important to focus on these rapidly evolving areas.


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    2025-03-21 梅斯管理员 来自陕西省
  2. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=2257199, encodeId=24d8225e19966, content=<a href='/topic/show?id=8d71215562' target=_blank style='color:#2F92EE;'>#AI#</a> <a href='/topic/show?id=fe62125336f1' target=_blank style='color:#2F92EE;'>#心血管研究#</a>, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=8, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[TopicDto(id=2155, encryptionId=8d71215562, topicName=AI), TopicDto(id=125336, encryptionId=fe62125336f1, topicName=心血管研究)], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=cade5395722, createdName=梅斯管理员, createdTime=Fri Mar 21 23:51:05 CST 2025, time=2025-03-21, status=1, ipAttribution=陕西省), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=2257248, encodeId=9985225e248a0, content=基因编辑方面,现有证据表明,1次治疗即可终身治愈心脏淀粉样变性。总之,这些新型强效治疗方法预示着心血管疾病治疗的未来。, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=2, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=abb76152142, createdName=baiwenxiu_6586, createdTime=Sat Mar 22 14:00:11 CST 2025, time=2025-03-22, status=1, ipAttribution=山西省)]
    2025-03-22 baiwenxiu_6586 来自山西省








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