J Neurosci:基因疗法治疗听觉缺失

2012-05-19 T.Shen 生物谷

研究者可以诱导听觉毛细胞在耳蜗中再生(Credit: Image courtesy of Emory University) 耳朵中的听觉毛细胞再生可以产生电信号,对于内耳减震产生有效回应,这样可以有效缓解由于外伤或者外来物质侵入引起的听力丧失。基因治疗的方法可以使得耳朵的听觉毛细胞再生,可以治疗听觉丧失。近日,来自埃默里大学的研究者表示,应用基因治疗的方法给年轻小鼠耳蜗中引入基因Atoh1可以

研究者可以诱导听觉毛细胞在耳蜗中再生(Credit: Image courtesy of Emory University)


这项研究揭示了基因治疗方法的潜力,但是同时也表现出了基因治疗的有限性,产生的毛细胞可以像正常细胞那样产生电信号,并且与神经元联系;然而当幼年小鼠使用基因治疗后两周,Atoh1基因的效应就会减弱,因此这就表明在成年人类中类似的治疗的有效性以及有限性。相关研究成果刊登在了5月9日的国际杂志Journal of Neuroscience上。

研究者Ping Chen表示,我们证明了毛细胞在原则上是可能再生的,文章中,我们揭示了细胞在Atoh1基因的影响下可以变成毛细胞,而且Atoh1基因有强烈的年龄依赖性,这就限制了我们的治疗方法。文章第一作者Michael Kelly和同事用基因工程的方法在小鼠内耳细胞中开启基因Atoh1以使得其对多西环素产生反应,以前的反应是用慢病毒载体引入Atoh1基因,但是现在这种治疗方法类似于基因治疗,但是还是存在部分缺点的,目前使用这种方法,只有在給小鼠食物中添加多西环素时,小鼠内耳壁上特定细胞中的Atoh1基因才会被开启表达。






Atoh1 Directs the Formation of Sensory Mosaics and Induces Cell Proliferation in the Postnatal Mammalian Cochlea In Vivo

Michael C. Kelly1, Qing Chang2, Alex Pan1, Xi Lin1,2, and Ping Chen1,2

Hearing impairment due to the loss of sensory hair cells is permanent in humans. Considerable interest targets the hair cell differentiation factor Atoh1 as a potential tool with which to promote hair cell regeneration. We generated a novel mouse model to direct the expression of Atoh1 in a spatially and temporally specific manner in the postnatal mammalian cochlea to determine the competency of various types of cochlear epithelial cells for hair cell differentiation. Atoh1 can generate cells in young animals with morphological, molecular, and physiological properties reminiscent of hair cells. This competency is cell type specific and progressively restricted with age. Significantly, Atoh1 induces ectopic sensory patches through Notch signaling to form a cellular mosaic similar to the endogenous sensory epithelia and expansion of the sensory mosaic through the conversion of supporting cells and nonautonomous supporting cell production. Furthermore, Atoh1 also activates proliferation within the normally postmitotic cochlear epithelium. These results provide insight into the potential and limitations of Atoh1-mediated hair cell regeneration.

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    2012-05-21 lsndxfj