Parametric Optimization for Cutting Forces and Material Removal Rate in the Turning of AISI 5140

Kuntoglu, M; Acar, O; Gupta, MK; Saglam, H; Sarikaya, M; Giasin, K; Pimenov, DY

Kuntoglu, M (corresponding author), Selcuk Univ, Technol Fac, Mech Engn Dept, TR-42130 Selcuklu, Konya, Turkey.; Giasin, K (corresponding author), Univ Portsmouth, Sch Mech & Design Engn, Portsmouth PO1 3DJ, Hants, England.

MACHINES, 2021; 9 (5):


The present paper deals with the optimization of the three components of cutting forces and the Material Removal Rate (MRR) in the turning of AISI 514......

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