Craters of the Pluto-Charon system

Robbins, SJ; Singer, KN; Bray, VJ; Schenk, P; Lauer, TR; Weaver, HA; Runyon, K; McKinnon, WB; Beyer, RA; Porter, S; White, OL; Hofgartner, JD; Zangari, AM; Moore, JM; Young, LA; Spencer, JR; Binzel, RP; Buie, MW; Buratti, BJ; Cheng, AF; Grundy, WM; L

Robbins, SJ (reprint author), Southwest Res Inst, 1050 Walnut St,Suite 300, Boulder, CO 80302 USA.

ICARUS, 2017; 287 ( ): 187


NASA's New Horizons flyby mission of the Pluto-Charon binary system and its four moons provided humanity with its first spacecraft-based look at a lar......

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