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Imaging Mars analog minerals' reflectance spectra and testing mineral detection algorithms

期刊: ICARUS, 2021; 369 ()

Mineral mapping of a planetary surface is of prime importance to better understanding its composition and constraining its geologic evolution. Visible......

Successes and challenges of factor analysis/target transformation application to visible-to-near-infrared hyperspectral data

期刊: ICARUS, 2021; 365 ()

We designed a laboratory visible-to-near-infrared (VNIR) hyperspectral experiment to test the effectiveness of factor analysis/target transformation f......

Tidal constraints on the low-viscosity zone of the Moon

期刊: ICARUS, 2021; 365 ()

In this paper, the effect on the tidal response of the low-viscosity zone in the deep interior of the Moon is investigated based on hypothetical tempe......

Brain-terrain-like features in the Qaidam Basin: Implications for various morphological features on Mars

期刊: ICARUS, 2021; 363 ()

"Brain terrain" is a type of patterned ground composed of sinuous ridges and troughs. It is widespread in mid-high latitude regions on Mars and has be......

OSSOS: The eccentricity and inclination distributions of the stable neptunian Trojans

期刊: ICARUS, 2021; 361 ()

The minor planets on orbits that are dynamically stable in Neptune's 1:1 resonance on Gyr timescales were likely em:laced by Neptune's outward migrati......

Assembled kinetic impactor for deflecting asteroids by combining the spacecraft with the launch vehicle upper stage

期刊: ICARUS, 2021; 368 ()

Asteroid impacts pose a major threat to all life on Earth. Deflecting an asteroid on an impact trajectory is critical to mitigating this threat. A kin......

Two types of jarosite in the early Cambrian sedimentary rocks: Insights for genesis and transformation of jarosite on Mars

期刊: ICARUS, 2021; 369 ()

Jamsite is a common sulfate mineral on Mars. However, there are limited exposures of jarosite in ancient (pre-Cenozoic) sedimentary rocks on Earth, an......

Geology of the Chang'e-5 landing site: Constraints on the sources of samples returned from a young nearside mare

期刊: ICARUS, 2021; 364 ()

Extraterrestrial materials collected by sample return exploration missions have advanced our understanding of planetary formation and evolution in a p......

A novel auger-based system for extraterrestrial in-situ water resource extraction

期刊: ICARUS, 2021; 367 ()

The future of crewed space exploration will rely heavily on resources in extraterrestrial objects. In-situ resource utilization technology enables the......

The shape and surface environment of 2016 HO3

期刊: ICARUS, 2021; 357 ()

Asteroid 2016 HO3 is a fast-rotating Near-Earth asteroid (NEA), and a potential target for future exploration. Studying the surface of this asteroid a......

Modeling optical roughness and first-order scattering processes from OSIRIS-REx color images of the rough surface of asteroid (101955) Bennu

期刊: ICARUS, 2021; 357 ()

The dark asteroid (101955) Bennu studied by NASA' s OSIRIS-REx mission has a boulder-rich and apparently dust-poor surface, providing a natural labora......

Experimental investigation of structural OH/H2O in different lunar minerals and glass via solar-wind proton implantation

期刊: ICARUS, 2021; 359 ()

The possibility of OH/H2O formation on the lunar surface has been proposed because of the interaction between protons from the solar wind and oxygen i......

Geochemistry of the Von Karman crater floor and thickness of the non-mare ejecta over the Chang'e-4 landing area

期刊: ICARUS, 2021; 359 ()

China's Chang' e-4 mission has carried out the first ever lunar farside landing exploration on the floor of the Von Karmen crater, a geologically comp......

Mare basalt flooding events surrounding Chang'e-4 landing site as revealed by Zhinyu crater ejecta

期刊: ICARUS, 2021; 360 ()

Von Karman crater's floor was flooded with mare basalts during the Imbrian period. This site is the target of China's ongoing Chang'e-4 mission that i......

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