Deposition of phasmid eggs (Phasmatodea) in the nests of Acanthomyrmex glabfemoralis Zhou & Zheng, 1997 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae)

Yamada, A; Bresseel, J; Chen, ZL; Nguyen, AD; Eguchi, K

Yamada, A (corresponding author), Tokyo Metropolitan Univ, Grad Sch Sci, Dept Biol Sci, 1-1 Minami Osawa, Hachioji, Tokyo 1920397, Japan.

TAIWANIA, 2021; 66 (2): 267


Ant-mediated secondary dispersal (myrmecochory) of phasmid eggs using a fleshy nutrient-rich appendage called capitulum remains poorly studied, albeit......

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