Stress-Dependent Elasticity of TiAlN Coatings

Hans, M; Patterer, L; Music, D; Holzapfel, DM; Evertz, S; Schnabel, V; Stelzer, B; Primetzhofer, D; Volker, B; Widrig, B; Eriksson, AO; Ramm, J; Arndt, M; Rudigier, H; Schneider, JM

Hans, M (reprint author), Rhein Westfal TH Aachen, Mat Chem, Kopernikusstr 10, D-52074 Aachen, Germany.

COATINGS, 2019; 9 (1):


We investigate the effect of continuous vs. periodically interrupted plasma exposure during cathodic arc evaporation on the elastic modulus as well as......

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