Angewandte Chemie is one of the prime chemistry journals in the world with an ISI-measured Impact Factor higher than those of comparable journals (1999: 7.996). Moreover it is the only journal in the field to have a stimulating mixture of review articles highlights and short communications. The "reviews" written by leading experts summarize the important results of recent research on topical subjects in all branches of chemistry point to unresolved problems and discuss possible developments. The "highlights" provide concise evaluations of current trends in chemical research. The communications are critically selected and report on the latest research results making the journal indispensable to the chemist who wants to stay well informed. Angewandte Chemie also regularly publishes Nobel lectures in chemistry and related fields. Kurztext Auch die internationale Ausgabe der Angewandten Chemie zählt zu den führenden bedeutenden Chemiezeitschrifent weltweit. Chemiker wissen daß sie hier das Neueste aus der Chemie bestens aufbereitet vorfinden. Society Affiliation German Chemical Society ( Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker ) Readers Chemists of all disciplines