Since its founding in 1959 on the initiative of V.A. Kargin Polymer Science has been the leading journal in all areas of fundamental and applied macromolecular science in the former Soviet Union. The journal offers a comprehensive view of all multidisciplinary aspects of theoretical and experimental polymer research and application. All articles are reviewed. They cover all aspects of macromolecular chemistry and physics, including polymer synthetics and reaction mechanisms, structure and physical properties of polymers, their blends and composites, polymer solutions, and polymer processing. The English version of Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya (Polymer Science) is published in three parts, Series A (12 issues), B (6 issues), and C (2 issues) annually. Series A and B are published simultaneously with the Russian version. Series C is published only in English. Polymer Science, Series A continues to include only original papers in all fundamental aspects of the chemistry and physics of macromolecules and polymer bodies, including both experimental and theoretical studies.