The field of particle sizing is advancing rapidly and on many fronts. The same holds true for Particle & Particle Systems Characterization . Through the years PPSC has become the leading journal of its kinds and the showcase for the cutting edge of theory and research which is reflected in a high impact factor. PPSC attracts excellent works from all over materials science add this to the highly respected international Editorial and Advisory Board and you have one of the hardest hitting scientifically sound journals available today. Peer-reviewed with publication times the fastest in the field PPSC ensures you high quality useful information on the measurement and description of particle properties and behavior in powders and other disperse systems. Kurztext Particle & Particle Systems Characterization ist die einzige internationale Zeitschrift die sowohl Beiträge zur Teilchencharakterisierung als auch Teilchensystemforschung veröffentlicht. Eigenschaften wie Größe und Beschaffenheit sowie Verhalten in Pulvern und anderen Stoffen werden durch Messungen und Interpretation charakterisiert.