
2012-12-12 NRR NRR

  以往研究运用功能磁共振成像检测可发现,在环境线索诱发下药物依赖者与心理渴求有关的脑区可被激活。心理渴求是导致毒品复吸的重要因素,针刺对心理渴求具有干预作用。一项关于“Acupuncture inhibits cue-induced heroin craving and brain activation”的研究分别在海洛因线索

  以往研究运用功能磁共振成像检测可发现,在环境线索诱发下药物依赖者与心理渴求有关的脑区可被激活。心理渴求是导致毒品复吸的重要因素,针刺对心理渴求具有干预作用。一项关于“Acupuncture inhibits cue-induced heroin craving and brain activation”的研究分别在海洛因线索诱发、线索诱发+针刺足三里穴(ST36,非捻针)、线索诱发+针刺足三里穴捻针3种条件下进行全脑磁共振成像检测。结果发现,海洛因线索诱发可激活额叶等与渴求相关的奖赏、学习记忆、认知、情绪等特异脑区,而捻针刺激足三里穴对与心理渴求相关脑区的激活具有即刻抑制作用,具有干预心理渴求的潜力。作者以此分析了针刺干预毒品依赖者心理渴求的作用机制。 相关研究成果发表在《中国神经再生研究(英文版)》杂志于2012年11月33期出版的杂志上。

Previous research using functional MRI has shown that specific brain regions associated with drug dependence and cue-elicited heroin craving are activated by environmental cues. Craving is an important trigger of heroin relapse, and acupuncture may inhibit craving. In this study, we performed functional MRI in heroin addicts and control subjects. We compared differences in brain activation between the two groups during heroin cue exposure, heroin cue exposure plus acupuncture at the Zusanli point (ST36) without twirling of the needle, and heroin cue exposure plus acupuncture at the Zusanli point with twirling of the needle. Heroin cue exposure elicited significant activation in craving-related brain regions mainly in the frontal lobes and callosal gyri. Acupuncture without twirling did not significantly affect the range of brain activation induced by heroin cue exposure, but significantly changed the extent of the activation in the heroin addicts group. Acupuncture at the Zusanli point with twirling of the needle significantly decreased both the range and extent of activation induced by heroin cue exposure compared with heroin cue exposure plus acupuncture without twirling of the needle. These experimental findings indicate that presentation of heroin cues can induce activation in craving-related brain regions, which are involved in reward, learning and memory, cognition and emotion. Acupuncture at the Zusanli point can rapidly suppress the activation of specific brain regions related to craving, supporting its potential as an ntervention for drug craving. 


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近日,国际著名杂志Anesthesiology刊登了来自上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院的研究人员的研究成果“Electroacupuncture Improves Survival in Rats with Lethal Endotoxemia via the Autonomic Nervous System,”,文章中,研究者发现针刺预处理具有强大的免疫调节作用,可使内毒素血症大鼠的生存率由20