Rotons and Bose condensation in Rydberg-dressed Bose gases

Seydi, I; Abedinpour, SH; Zillich, RE; Asgari, R; Tanatar, B

Abedinpour, SH (corresponding author), IASBS, Dept Phys, Zanjan 4513766731, Iran.; Abedinpour, SH (corresponding author), IASBS, Res Ctr Basic Sci & Modern Technol RBST, Zanjan 4513766731, Iran.; Abedinpour, SH (corresponding author), Inst Res Fundamental Sci IPM, Sch Nano Sci, Tehran 193955531, Iran.

PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 2020; 101 (1):


We investigate the ground-state properties and excitations of Rydberg-dressed bosons in both three and two dimensions, using the hypernetted-chain Eul......

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