Aridity exacerbates grazing-induced rangeland degradation: A population approach for dominant grasses

Onatibia, GR; Amengual, G; Boyero, L; Aguiar, MR

Onatibia, GR (corresponding author), Univ Buenos Aires, CONICET, Inst Invest Fisiol & Ecol Vinculadas Agr IFEVA, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina.; Onatibia, GR (corresponding author), Univ Buenos Aires, Fac Agron, Dept Recursos Nat & Ambiente, Catedra Ecol, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina.

JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, 2020; 57 (10): 1999


The current human-induced intensification of grazing pressure and the aridity increase as a result of climate change are unprecedented and have been i......

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