Unraveling Twisty Linear Polarization Morphologies in Black Hole Images

Emami, R; Ricarte, A; Wong, GN; Palumbo, D; Chang, D; Doeleman, SS; Broderick, AE; Narayan, R; Wielgus, M; Blackburn, L; Prather, BS; Chael, AA; Anantua, R; Chatterjee, K; Marti-Vidal, I; Gómez, JL; Akiyama, K; Liska, M; Hernquist, L; Tremblay, G; Vogelsberger, M; Alcock, C; Smith, R; Steiner, J; Tiede, P; Roelofs, F

Emami, R (通讯作者),Harvard & Smithsonian, Ctr Astrophys, 60 Garden St, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.



We investigate general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations to determine the physical origin of the twisty patterns of linear polarization see......

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