Synthesis and characterization of [7]triangulene

Mishra, S; Xu, K; Eimre, K; Komber, H; Ma, J; Pignedoli, CA; Fasel, R; Feng, XL; Ruffieux, P

Fasel, R; Ruffieux, P (corresponding author), Empa Swiss Fed Labs Mat Sci & Technol, Nanotech Surfaces Lab, Dubendorf, Switzerland.; Feng, XL (corresponding author), Tech Univ Dresden, Fac Chem & Food Chem, Dresden, Germany.; Feng, XL (corresponding author), Tech Univ Dresden, Ctr Adv Elect Dresden, Dresden, Germany.; Fasel, R (corresponding author), Univ Bern, Dept Chem & Biochem, Bern, Switzerland.

NANOSCALE, 2021; 13 (3): 1624


Triangulene and its pi-extended homologues constitute non-Kekule polyradical frameworks with high-spin ground states, and are anticipated to be key co......

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