Living in small spaces: Forest fragment characterization and its use by Philippine tarsiers (Tarsius syrichta Linnaeus, 1758) in Mindanao Island, Philippines

Bejar, SGF; Duya, MRM; Duya, MV; Galindon, JMM; Pasion, BO; Ong, PS

Bejar, SGF (corresponding author), Univ Philippines, Coll Sci, Inst Biol, Biodivers Res Lab, Quezon City, Philippines.; Bejar, SGF (corresponding author), Univ Philippines, Diliman Sci Res Fdn Inc, Quezon City, Philippines.

PRIMATES, 2020; 61 (3): 529


The Philippine tarsier (Tarsius syrichta) is a charismatic species that is threatened by illegal hunting and deforestation. Although they occur in for......

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