Molecular Property Prediction with Photonic Chip-Based Machine Learning

Zhang, H; Lau, JWZ; Wan, LX; Shi, L; Shi, YZ; Cai, H; Luo, XS; Lo, GQ; Lee, CK; Kwek, LC; Liu, AQ

Kwek, LC; Liu, AQ (通讯作者),Nanyang Technol Univ, Quantum Sci & Engn Ctr QSec, 50 Nanyang Ave, Singapore City 639798, Singapore.;Kwek, LC (通讯作者),Natl Univ Singapore, Ctr Quantum Technol, 3 Sci Dr 2, Singapore City 117543, Singapore.;Lee, CK (通讯作者),Tencent Amer, Palo Alto, CA 94306 USA.;Kwek, LC (通讯作者),Nanyang Technol Univ, Natl Inst Educ, 1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore City 637616, Singapore.;Kwek, LC (通讯作者),NTU, MajuLab, Int Joint Res Unit, UNS,NUS,CNRS, 3 Sci Dr 2, Singapore City 117543, Singapore.



Machine learning methods have revolutionized the discovery process of new molecules and materials. However, the intensive training process of neural n......

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