Highly efficient and genotype-independent barley gene editing based on anther culture

Han, Y; Broughton, S; Liu, L; Zhang, XQ; Zeng, JB; He, XY; Li, CD

Li, CD (corresponding author), Murdoch Univ, Coll Sci Hlth Engn & Educ, Western Barley Genet Alliance, Murdoch, WA 6150, Australia.; Li, CD (corresponding author), Dept Primary Ind & Reg Dev, 3 Baron Hay Court, S Perth, WA 6151, Australia.; Li, CD (corresponding author), Murdoch Univ, Western Australian State Agr Biotechnol Ctr, Murdoch, WA 6150, Australia.



Recalcitrance to tissue culture and genetic transformation is the major bottleneck for gene manipulation in crops. In barley, immature embryos of Gold......

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