Surface magnetic activity of the fast-rotating G5 giant IN Comae, central star of the faint planetary nebula LoTr 5

Kovari, Z; Strassmeier, KG; Olah, K; Kriskovics, L; Vida, K; Carroll, TA; Granzer, T; Ilyin, I; Jurcsik, J; Kovari, E; Weber, M

Kovari, Z (reprint author), Hungarian Acad Sci, Res Ctr Astron & Earth Sci, Konkoly Observ, Konkoly Thege Ut 15-17, H-1121 Budapest, Hungary.; Kovari, Z (reprint author), Leibniz Inst Astrophys Potsdam AIP, Sternwarte 16, D-14482 Potsdam, Germany.



Context. On the asymptotic giant branch, low to intermediate mass stars blow away their outer envelopes, forming planetary nebulae. Dynamic interactio......

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