Incongruence in the phylogenomics era

Steenwyk, JL; Li, YN; Zhou, XF; Shen, XX; Rokas, A

Rokas, A (通讯作者),Vanderbilt Univ, Dept Biol Sci, Nashville, TN 37235 USA.;Rokas, A (通讯作者),Vanderbilt Univ, Vanderbilt Evolutionary Studies Initiat, Nashville, TN 37235 USA.;Rokas, A (通讯作者),Heidelberg Inst Theoret Studies, Heidelberg, Germany.

NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS, 2023; 24 (12): 834


Genome-scale data and the development of novel statistical phylogenetic approaches have greatly aided the reconstruction of a broad sketch of the tree......

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