The Magellanic Corona as the key to the formation of the Magellanic Stream

Lucchini, S; D'Onghia, E; Fox, AJ; Bustard, C; Bland-Hawthorn, J; Zweibel, E

D'Onghia, E (corresponding author), Univ Wisconsin, Dept Phys, 1150 Univ Ave, Madison, WI 53706 USA.; D'Onghia, E (corresponding author), Univ Wisconsin, Dept Astron, Madison, WI 53706 USA.; D'Onghia, E (corresponding author), Flatiron Inst, Ctr Computat Astrophys, New York, NY 10010 USA.

NATURE, 2020; 585 (7824): 203


The dominant gaseous structure in the Galactic halo is the Magellanic Stream. This extended network of neutral and ionized filaments surrounds the Lar......

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