H?GB1/sRAGE levels differ significantly between transudates and exudates

Kotsiou, OS; Jagirdar, RM; Papazoglou, ED; Hatzoglou, C; Gourgoulianis, KI; Zarogiannis, SG

Zarogiannis, SG (corresponding author), Univ Thessaly, Fac Med, Sch Hlth Sci, Dept Physiol,BIOPOLIS, Larisa 41500, Greece.; Kotsiou, OS (corresponding author), Univ Thessaly, Fac Med, Sch Hlth Sci, Dept Resp Med,BIOPOLIS, Larisa 41500, Greece.

CYTOKINE, 2021; 141 ():


High mobility group box 1(HMGB1) protein operates as an alarmin with multiple roles in immunity and cell homeostasis. It is highly expressed in epithe......

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