Topological phase transition and single/multi anyon dynamics of Z(2) spin liquid

Yan, Z; Wang, YC; Ma, N; Qi, Y; Meng, ZY

Meng, ZY (corresponding author), Univ Hong Kong, Dept Phys, Hong Kong, Peoples R China.; Meng, ZY (corresponding author), Univ Hong Kong, HKU UCAS Joint Inst Theoret & Computat Phys, Hong Kong, Peoples R China.; Qi, Y (corresponding author), Fudan Univ, State Key Lab Surface Phys, Shanghai, Peoples R China.; Qi, Y (corresponding author), Fudan Univ, Dept Phys, Ctr Field Theory & Particle Phys, Shanghai, Peoples R China.; Qi, Y (corresponding author), Collaborat Innovat Ctr Adv Microstruct, Nanji



Among the quantum many-body models that host anyon excitation and topological orders, quantum dimer models (QDM) provide a suitable playground for stu......

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