Healthcare professionals' views of the use of oral morphine and transmucosal diamorphine in the management of paediatric breakthrough pain and the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial: A focus group study (DIPPER)
Jamieson, L; Harrop, E; Johnson, M; Liossi, C; Mott, C; Oulton, K; Skene, SS; Wong, ICK; Howard, RF
Jamieson, L (corresponding author), UCLH UCL Ctr Med Optimisat Res & Educ, 29-39,Brunswick Sq, London WC1N 1AX, England.; Jamieson, L (corresponding author), UCL, Sch Pharm, 29-39 Brunswick Sq, London WC1N 1AX, England.
PALLIATIVE MEDICINE, 2021; 35 (6): 1118