N-Glycosylation in Piroplasmids: Diversity within Simplicity

Florin-Christensen, M; Rodriguez, AE; Suarez, CE; Ueti, MW; Delgado, FO; Echaide, I; Schnittger, L

Florin-Christensen, M (corresponding author), Inst Nacl Tecnol Agr INTA, Inst Patobiol Vet INTA CONICET, CICVyA, RA-1686 Hurlingham, Argentina.; Florin-Christensen, M (corresponding author), Consejo Nacl Invest Cient & Tecn, C1033AAJ, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina.

PATHOGENS, 2021; 10 (1):


N-glycosylation has remained mostly unexplored in Piroplasmida, an order of tick-transmitted pathogens of veterinary and medical relevance. Analysis o......

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