Gremlin-1 augments the oestrogen-related receptor alpha signalling through EGFR activation: implications for the progression of breast cancer

Park, SA; Sung, NJ; Choi, BJ; Kim, W; Kim, SH; Surh, YJ

Surh, YJ (corresponding author), Seoul Natl Univ, Coll Pharm, Tumor Microenvironm Global Core Res Ctr, Seoul 08826, South Korea.; Surh, YJ (corresponding author), Seoul Natl Univ, Grad Sch Convergence Sci & Technol, Dept Mol Med & Biopharmaceut Sci, Seoul 08826, South Korea.; Surh, YJ (corresponding author), Seoul Natl Univ, Canc Res Inst, Seoul 03080, South Korea.

BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER, 2020; 123 (6): 988


Background Gremlin-1 (GREM1), one of the bone morphogenetic protein antagonists, is involved in organogenesis, tissue differentiation and kidney devel......

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