Reproducible bioinformatics project: a community for reproducible bioinformatics analysis pipelines

Kulkarni, N; Alessandri, L; Panero, R; Arigoni, M; Olivero, M; Ferrero, G; Cordero, F; Beccuti, M; Calogero, RA

Calogero, RA (reprint author), Univ Torino, Dept Mol Biotechnol & Hlth Sci, Turin, Italy.; Cordero, F (reprint author), Univ Torino, Dept Comp Sci, Turin, Italy.

BMC BIOINFORMATICS, 2018; 19 (): 211


Background: Reproducibility of a research is a key element in the modern science and it is mandatory for any industrial application. It represents the......

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