Should the Number of Metastatic Pelvic Lymph Nodes Be Integrated into the 2018 Figo Staging Classification of Early Stage Cervical Cancer?

Anchora, LP; Carbone, V; Gallotta, V; Fanfani, F; Cosentino, F; Turco, LC; Fedele, C; Bizzarri, N; Scambia, G; Ferrandina, G

Carbone, V (corresponding author), Fdn Policlin Univ A Gemelli, IRCCS, UOC Ginecol Oncol, Dipartimento Salute Donna & Bambino & Salute Pubb, I-00167 Rome, Italy.

CANCERS, 2020; 12 (6):


Introduction: Lymph node status has become part of the new staging system for cervical cancer (CC). It has been shown that patients staged as IIIC1 ha......

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