Is there clinical evidence to support autologous matrix-induced chondrogenesis (AMIC) for chondral defects in the talus? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Walther, M; Valderrabano, V; Wiewiorski, M; Usuelli, FG; Richter, M; Baumfeld, TS; Kubosch, J; Gottschalk, O; Wittmann, U

Walther, M (corresponding author), Schon Klin Munchen Harlaching FIFA Med Ctr, Harlachinger Str 51, D-81547 Munich, Germany.

FOOT AND ANKLE SURGERY, 2021; 27 (3): 236


Background: The aim of this study is to systematically review the literature on clinical outcomes of patients who have undergone autologous matrix-ind......

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