Peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance copper compounds copper(I), copper(II) variants namely copper hydroxide, copper oxychloride, tribasic copper sulfate, copper(I) oxide, Bordeaux mixture

Arena, M; Auteri, D; Barmaz, S; Bellisai, G; Brancato, A; Brocca, D; Bura, L; Byers, H; Chiusolo, A; Marques, DC; Crivellente, F; De Lentdecker, C; Egsmose, M; Erdos, Z; Fait, G; Ferreira, L; Goumenou, M; Greco, L; Ippolito, A; Istace, F; Jarrah, S;

EFSA JOURNAL, 2018; 16 (1):


The conclusions of the EFSA following the peer review of the initial risk assessments carried out by the competent authorities of the rapporteur Membe......

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