The effect of constant darkness and short light periods on the survival and physiological fitness of two phytoplankton species and their growth potential after re-illumination

Walter, B; Peters, J; van Beusekom, JEE

Walter, B (reprint author), Univ Hamburg, Inst Hydrobiol & Fisheries Sci, Ctr Earth Syst Res & Sustainabil CEN, Klima Campus,Grosse Elbstr 133, D-22767 Hamburg, Germany.; Walter, B (reprint author), Swansea Univ, Coll Sci, 138 Wallace Bldg,Singleton Pk, S

AQUATIC ECOLOGY, 2017; 51 (4): 591


We tested the survival potential and fitness of two different algae strains (the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii and the cryptophyceae Rhodomonas sp.......

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