Autonomous aggregation suppression by acidic residues explains why chaperones favour basic residues

Houben, B; Michiels, E; Ramakers, M; Konstantoulea, K; Louros, N; Verniers, J; van der Kant, R; De Vleeschouwer, M; Chicoria, N; Vanpoucke, T; Gallardo, R; Schymkowitz, J; Rousseau, F

Schymkowitz, J; Rousseau, F (corresponding author), VIB Ctr Brain & Dis Res, Switch Lab, Leuven, Belgium.; Schymkowitz, J; Rousseau, F (corresponding author), KULeuven, Dept Cellular & Mol Med, Leuven, Belgium.

EMBO JOURNAL, 2020; 39 (11):


Many chaperones favour binding to hydrophobic sequences that are flanked by basic residues while disfavouring acidic residues. However, the origin of ......

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