A Novel Method to Treat Progressive Desmoid Tumors Involving Neurovascular Bundles: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Yin, JQ; Fu, YW; Gao, ZH; Zou, CY; Xie, XB; Wang, B; Zhong, ZH; Huang, G; Shen, JN

Shen, JN (corresponding author), Sun Yat Sen Univ, Dept Orthoped Oncol, Affiliated Hosp 1, 58 Second Zhongshan Rd, Guangzhou 510080, Peoples R China.

NEUROSURGERY, 2021; 88 (6): 1095


BACKGROUND: More effective therapies are needed to treat progressive desmoid tumors when active surveillance and systemic therapy fail. OBJECTIVE: To ......

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