Organ-organ communication: The liver's perspective

Wang, F; So, KF; Xiao, J; Wang, H

Xiao, J (corresponding author), Jinan Univ, Clin Med Res Inst, Affiliated Hosp 1, Guangzhou, Peoples R China.; Xiao, J (corresponding author), Jinan Univ, Dept Intervent Surg, Affiliated Hosp 1, Guangzhou, Peoples R China.; Wang, H (corresponding author), Anhui Med Univ, Affiliated Hosp 1, Dept Oncol, Hefei, Peoples R China.; Wang, H (corresponding author), Anhui Med Univ, Inflammat & Immune Mediated Dis Lab Anhui Prov, Sch Pharm, Hefei, Anhui, Peoples R China.

THERANOSTICS, 2021; 11 (7): 3317


Communication between organs participates in most physiological and pathological events. Owing to the importance of precise coordination among the liv......

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