Lineage EM algorithm for inferring latent states from cellular lineage trees

Nakashima, S; Sughiyama, Y; Kobayashi, TJ

Nakashima, S; Kobayashi, TJ (corresponding author), Univ Tokyo, Grad Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Dept Math Informat, Tokyo 1138654, Japan.; Kobayashi, TJ (corresponding author), Univ Tokyo, Inst Ind Sci, Tokyo 1138654, Japan.; Kobayashi, TJ (corresponding author), Japan Sci & Technol Agcy JST, PRESTO, Kawaguchi, Saitama 3320012, Japan.

BIOINFORMATICS, 2020; 36 (9): 2829


A Summary: Phenotypic variability in a population of cells can work as the bet-hedging of the cells under an unpredictably changing environment, the t......

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