Monitoring the thermally induced transition from sp(3)-hybridized into sp(2)-hybridized carbons

Schupfer, DB; Badaczewski, F; Peilstocker, J; Guerra-Castro, JM; Shim, H; Firoozabadi, S; Beyer, A; Volz, K; Presser, V; Heiliger, C; Smarsly, B; Klar, PJ

Schupfer, DB (corresponding author), Justus Liebig Univ Giessen, Inst Expt Phys 1, D-35392 Giessen, Germany.; Schupfer, DB (corresponding author), Justus Liebig Univ Giessen, Ctr Mat Res LaMa, D-35392 Giessen, Germany.

CARBON, 2021; 172 (): 214


The preparation of carbons for technical applications is typically based on a treatment of a precursor, which is transformed into the carbon phase wit......

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