Investigating the age composition of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins in the Pearl River Estuary based on their pigmentation pattern (vol 167, 50, 2020)

Guo, L; Lin, WZ; Zeng, C; Luo, DY; Wu, YP

Lin, WZ; Wu, YP (corresponding author), Sun Yat Sen Univ, Sch Marine Sci, Southern Marine Sci & Engn Guangdong Lab Zhuhai, Zhuhai Key Lab Marine Bioresources & Environm,Gua, Zhuhai, Peoples R China.; Lin, WZ (corresponding author), Chinese Acad Sci, Marine Mammal & Marine Bioacoust Lab, Inst Deep Sea Sci & Engn, Sanya 572000, Peoples R China.; Lin, WZ (corresponding author), Haisang Ecol Technol, Zhuhai 519000, Peoples R China.; Lin, WZ (corresponding author), Cetacea Res Inst, Div Cetacean Ecol, Hong Kong, Lantau, Peoples R China.

MARINE BIOLOGY, 2020; 167 (9):