The Spectroscopic Data Processing Pipeline for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument

Guy, J; Bailey, S; Kremin, A; Alam, S; Alexander, DM; Prieto, C; BenZvi, S; Bolton, AS; Brooks, D; Chaussidon, E; Cooper, AP; Dawson, K; de la Macorra, A; Dey, A; Dey, B; Dhungana, G; Eisenstein, DJ; Font-Ribera, A; Forero-Romero, JE; Gaztañaga, E; Gontcho, SGA; Green, D; Honscheid, K; Ishak, M; Kehoe, R; Kirkby, D; Kisner, T; Koposov, SE; Lan, TW; Landriau, M; Le Guillou, L; Levi, ME; Magneville, C; Manser, CJ; Martini, P; Meisner, AM; Miquel, R; Moustakas, J; Myers, AD; Newman, JA; Nie, JD; Palanque-Delabrouille, N; Percival, WJ; Poppett, C; Prada, F; Raichoor, A; Ravoux, C; Ross, AJ; Schlafly, EF; Schlegel, D; Schubnell, M; Sharples, RM; Tarlé, G; Weaver, BA; Yéche, C; Zhou, RP; Zhou, ZM; Zou, H

Guy, J (通讯作者),Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab, 1 Cyclotron Rd, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA.



We describe the spectroscopic data processing pipeline of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), which is conducting a redshift survey of ab......

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