Mechanical twinning of monazite expels radiogenic lead

Fougerouse, D; Reddy, SM; Seydoux-Guillaume, AM; Kirkland, CL; Erickson, TM; Saxey, DW; Rickard, WDA; Jacob, D; Leroux, H; Clark, C

Fougerouse, D (corresponding author), Curtin Univ, Sch Earth & Planetary Sci, Perth, WA 6845, Australia.; Fougerouse, D (corresponding author), Curtin Univ, John Laeter Ctr, Geosci Atom Probe, Perth, WA 6845, Australia.

GEOLOGY, 2021; 49 (4): 417


Mechanical twins form by the simple shear of the crystal lattice during deformation. In order to test the potential of narrow twins in monazite to rec......

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