Integration of a single-step genome-wide association study with a multi-tissue transcriptome analysis provides novel insights into the genetic basis of wool and weight traits in sheep
Zhao, BR; Luo, HP; Huang, XX; Wei, C; Di, J; Tian, YZ; Fu, XF; Li, BJ; Liu, GE; Fang, LZ; Zhang, SL; Tian, KC
Zhang, SL (corresponding author), China Agr Univ, Natl Engn Lab Anim Breeding, Key Lab Anim Genet Breeding & Reprod, Minist Agr,Coll Anim Sci & Technol, Beijing, Peoples R China.; Fang, LZ (corresponding author), Univ Edinburgh, Inst Genet & Canc, MRC Human Genet Unit, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland.; Tian, KC (corresponding author), Shandong Acad Agr Sci, Inst Anim Sci & Vet Med, Jinan, Peoples R China.