Waveguide-lattice-based architecture for multichannel optical transformations

Skryabin, NN; Dyakonov, IV; Saygin, MY; Kulik, SP

Skryabin, NN (corresponding author), Lomonosov Moscow State Univ, Quantum Technol Ctr, Leninskie Gory 1,Bldg 35, Moscow 119991, Russia.; Skryabin, NN (corresponding author), Lomonosov Moscow State Univ, Fac Phys, Leninskie Gory 1,Bldg 35, Moscow 119991, Russia.; Skryabin, NN (corresponding author), Moscow Inst Phys & Technol, Inst Skiy Per 9, Dolgoprudnyi 141701, Russia.

OPTICS EXPRESS, 2021; 29 (16): 26058


We consider waveguide lattices as the architecture to implement a wide range of multiport transformations. In this architecture, a particular transfer......

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