Sialic acids in pancreatic cancer cells drive tumour-associated macrophage differentiation via the Siglec receptors Siglec-7 and Siglec-9

Rodriguez, E; Boelaars, K; Brown, K; Li, RJE; Kruijssen, L; Bruijns, SCM; van Ee, T; Schetters, STT; Crommentuijn, MHW; van der Horst, JC; van Grieken, NCT; van Vliet, SJ; Kazemier, G; Giovannetti, E; Garcia-Vallejo, JJ; van Kooyk, Y

van Kooyk, Y (corresponding author), Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Canc Ctr Amsterdam, Amsterdam Infect & Immun Inst, Amsterdam UMC,Dept Mol Cell Biol & Immunol, Amsterdam, Netherlands.



Changes in glycosylation during tumour progression are a key hallmark of cancer. One of the glycan moieties generally overexpressed in cancer are sial......

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