Calculations of Relativistic, Correlation, Nuclear, and Quantum-Electrodynamics Corrections to Energy and Ionization Potential of the Ground State of Helium-Like Ions

Tupitsyn, II; Bezborodov, SV; Malyshev, AV; Mironova, DV; Shabaev, VM

Tupitsyn, II (corresponding author), St Petersburg State Univ, Dept Phys, St Petersburg 199034, Russia.; Tupitsyn, II (corresponding author), Peter Great St Petersburg Polytech Univ, Ctr Ctr Adv Studies, St Petersburg 195251, Russia.; Tupitsyn, II (corresponding author), St Petersburg Nucl Phys Inst, Natl Res Ctr, Kurchatov Inst, Gatchina 188300, Russia.

OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY, 2020; 128 (1): 21


Nonrelativistic and relativistic variational calculations of energies and ionization potentials of the ground state of helium-like ions with nuclear n......

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