Strong remote control of future equatorial warming by off-equatorial forcing

Stuecker, MF; Timmermann, A; Jin, FF; Proistosescu, C; Kang, SM; Kim, D; Yun, KS; Chung, ES; Chu, JE; Bitz, CM; Armour, KC; Hayashi, M

Stuecker, MF (corresponding author), Inst Basic Sci, Ctr Climate Phys, Busan, South Korea.; Stuecker, MF (corresponding author), Pusan Natl Univ, Busan, South Korea.

NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, 2020; 10 (2): 124


The tropical climate response to GHG forcing is spatially non-uniform(1-3). Even though enhanced equatorial and eastern Pacific warming is simulated b......

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