Petroleum geology and exploration direction of gas province in deepwater area of North Carnarvon Basin, Australia

Feng, YW; Ren, Y; Zhang, GC; Qu, HJ

Feng, YW (corresponding author), Nanyang Normal Univ, Sch Geog Sci & Tourism, Nanyang 473061, Peoples R China.; Feng, YW (corresponding author), Northwest Univ, Dept Geol, Xian 710069, Peoples R China.; Feng, YW (corresponding author), PetroJindian Beijing Sci Tech Co Ltd, Beijing 100000, Peoples R China.

CHINA GEOLOGY, 2020; 3 (4): 623


North Carnarvon Basin is a gas province with minor oily sweet spots in deepwater area with water depth more than 500 m, which is one of the hot spots ......

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