Misplaced Cervical Screws Requiring Reoperation

Peterson, JC; Arnold, PM; Smith, ZA; Hsu, WK; Fehlings, MG; Hart, RA; Hilibrand, AS; Nassr, A; Rahman, RK; Tannoury, CA; Tannoury, T; Mroz, TE; Currier, BL; De Giacomo, AF; Fogelson, JL; Jobse, BC; Massicotte, EM; Riew, KD

Arnold, PM (reprint author), Univ Kansas, Med Ctr, 3901 Rainbow Blvd,MS 3021, Kansas City, KS 66160 USA.

GLOBAL SPINE JOURNAL, 2017; 7 ( ): 465


Study Design: A multicenter, retrospective case series. Objective: In the past several years, screw fixation of the cervical spine has become commonpl......

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