Characterizing the impact of high temperature during grain filling on phytohormone levels, enzyme activity and metabolic profiles of an early indica rice variety

Shao, C; Shen, L; Qiu, C; Wang, Y; Qian, Y; Chen, J; Ouyang, Z; Zhang, P; Guan, X; Xie, J; Liu, G; Peng, C

Liu, G; Peng, C (corresponding author), Jiangxi Acad Agr Sci, Soil & Fertilizer & Resources & Environm Inst, Nanchang 330200, Jiangxi, Peoples R China.

PLANT BIOLOGY, 2021; 23 (5): 806


Global warming results in high temperature stress (HTS), which presents severe challenges worldwide for modern agricultural production and will have s......

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