Effect of periodic gas-puffs on drift-tearing modes in ADITYA/ADITYA-U tokamak discharges

Raj, H; Macwan, T; Singh, K; Dolui, S; Ghosh, J; Bisai, NK; Jadeja, KA; Patel, KM; Patel, NC; Tanna, RL; Raju, D; Jha, SK; Chattopadhyay, PK; Sen, A; Saxena, YC; Pal, R

Raj, H (corresponding author), HBNI Univ, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.; Raj, H (corresponding author), Inst Plasma Res, Bhat 382428, Gandhinagar, India.; Raj, H (corresponding author), Ecole Polytech Fed Lausanne EPFL, Swiss Plasma Ctr SPC, Lausanne, Switzerland.

NUCLEAR FUSION, 2020; 60 (3):


The effect of a periodic train of short gas-puff pulses on the rotation frequency and amplitude of drift-tearing modes has been studied in ADITYA/ADIT......

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