Metal-Catalyzed Enantioconvergent Transformations

Yus, M; Nájera, C; Foubelo, F; Sansano, JM

Sansano, JM (通讯作者),Univ Alicante, Ctr Innovac Quim Avanzada ORFEO CINQA, E-03080 Alicante, Spain.;Sansano, JM (通讯作者),Univ Alicante, Dept Quim Organ, E-03080 Alicante, Spain.;Sansano, JM (通讯作者),Univ Alicante, ISO, E-03080 Alicante, Spain.

CHEMICAL REVIEWS, 2023; 123 (20): 11817


Enantioconvergent catalysis has expanded asymmetric synthesis to new methodologies able to convert racemic compounds into a single enantiomer. This re......

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